Wednesday, June 2, 2010

1st Bath!!!!

Earlier today my umbilical stump FINALLY fell off!!! YAY!!! So mommy said that it was time to get a bath. I was not quite sure what that was but I soon found out. Uncle Travis and Auntie Lauren were at the house and were excited to be there for my first 'bath'. Mommy stripped me down and put me in this blue thing that had water in it like when I was in her belly. I was kinda sleepy so I was not feeling this at all. First Daddy washed me then Mommy took over. THEN while Mommy was washing me my big brother Aiden began to help out. I just think it was too much going on in addition to me being sleepy that had me not feeling this 'bath' Here are a few pictures that Mommy and Daddy took...Enjoy!!!


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